Our Freedom Series wireless Portable-Only system not only frees the Officer from a connection to his Motor, but now provides a “Tether- Free” connection to his belt-mounted Portable Radio. This system is ideal for officers who work solely off of a portable radio and tend to remove their helmets frequently.
Wireless Bluetooth Headset
wireless headset is bluetooth to the shouldermic, eliminating all cables from the headset to the shouldermic.
noise cancelling boom mic
durable military duty microphone
premium quality earphones with hi-fi frequency.
Wireless Bluetooth Shouldermic
Wireless shouldermic without a hard connection to the headset. SHouldermic is bluetooth to the headset and motor interface kit.
Wireless Motor Interface Kit
Wireless Motor interface kit is bluetooth to the shouldermic and headset. Push to Talk and additional PA button provided at the handlebars.
“Being a new user of the freedom portable only wireless system. I have to tell you that between the ease of use and the ease of install. It is a pretty awesome system!”
“the biggest thing is that if i were to go down. There are no wires connecting me to the bike or the helmet for that matter. Push-to-talk and pa is conveniently located at the handlebars as well.”
“And having the sidekick cell phone feature allows me to take phone calls while being able to also communicate with dispatch. The audio is clear with no static.”
Key Features and Operation:
“Tether Free” headset connection
Complete system includes a headset (cell phone Interface feature optional), shouldermic, and wireless motor kit.
With the helmet on, shouldermic is muted and communications are routed to the helmet headset.
Once helmet is removed, portable radio feed is present at the shouldermic.
The motor kit provides a remote handlebar PTT button and a second PA button. Activation of the PA button allows audio to be wireless broadcast over the motor siren system.
Available for most helmet styles.

More Information
Contact us to get pricing and more information on our Freedom Series Wireless Portable Only System.